Comparison is the thief of joy...
Just sayin'. But we all do it. We all compare. I don't know about you all but I do. It's something that I am working on. And I don't do it with everything. I really only do it with running. Life is funny that way. Allowing me to really hone in on my area of comparison. I don't normally compare myself as a teacher, photographer, mother, wife, daughter, friend or any of the titles I carry because they are so personal to me. I am who I am and I am a happy person. Lovin life. It's all good! Not gonna say it doesn't happen once in awhile but for the most part I'm pretty solid on not being too hard on myself. BUT only as a runner. Maybe because this is something I never saw myself doing. I am much more aware of it. Maybe because I know the road ahead. Maybe because I like to play head games with myself? Trust me I'd much rather just think of all the positive things that come along with this challenge. I MEAN I AM GETTING US CLOSER TO A CURE FOR CANCER. ...