The journey and the struggle...
The struggle is real. It's really real. It's so real. But it's worth every bit of the challenge. And it's happening. THIS is HAPPENING. #Yikes #OHMYGOSH This is my new teachers room decor. I hope they like it. It's just a small poster, I swear.
I have to say, I feel like I could NOT do ANY of the things...
(because sometimes I try to do ALL the things!!) but I couldn't do any of them if I did not have Bri, or our families or, my amazing inspirational friends or if my kids were little babies. I miss those little babies sooooo much. I miss their little baby faces. I miss their little baby chubby hands and legs but time flies way too fast and now I have very independent little people who happen to sleep through the night and sleep late so Mommy can run one million miles. Or start to run one million...
There are so many factors that go into training for a marathon. I question myself every day...
These are the things I often say...
Things like this:
"Oh my god, what have you done?"
"Can you even do this?"
"You've driven Lowell to Boston your entire life, now picture yourself running there because it's about the same."
"Oh my god, why would you DO this?"
"What is wrong with you?"
"I am soooooo tired."
"I repeat, so tired."
"Why do you say those things?" You ask.
Because I am my own worst enemy, that's why.
Then I push all that nonsense out of my head and I carry on. Because that is what we have to do every day. "Carry on." Is it easy? No. But it's a survival mode tactic so we do it. Some do it way better than others. I am getting there.
One of our best friends supplied me with this text the other day... Thank you for this information best friend. Thank you.
What the heck is wrong with you?
I have to say, I feel like I could NOT do ANY of the things...
(because sometimes I try to do ALL the things!!) but I couldn't do any of them if I did not have Bri, or our families or, my amazing inspirational friends or if my kids were little babies. I miss those little babies sooooo much. I miss their little baby faces. I miss their little baby chubby hands and legs but time flies way too fast and now I have very independent little people who happen to sleep through the night and sleep late so Mommy can run one million miles. Or start to run one million...
There are so many factors that go into training for a marathon. I question myself every day...
These are the things I often say...
Things like this:
"Oh my god, what have you done?"
"Can you even do this?"
"You've driven Lowell to Boston your entire life, now picture yourself running there because it's about the same."
"Oh my god, why would you DO this?"
"What is wrong with you?"
"I am soooooo tired."
"I repeat, so tired."
"Why do you say those things?" You ask.
Because I am my own worst enemy, that's why.
Then I push all that nonsense out of my head and I carry on. Because that is what we have to do every day. "Carry on." Is it easy? No. But it's a survival mode tactic so we do it. Some do it way better than others. I am getting there.
One of our best friends supplied me with this text the other day... Thank you for this information best friend. Thank you.
What the heck is wrong with you?
So that's not even funny.
But I feel like... Okay, I am 1/2 way there. 13.1 That's a sure thing. That's the real deal. And I have 5 months to get the 2nd 1/2 down. I am running my butt off (there's not a lot to run off so there's that) I am increasing my mileage and including strength training (thank you to Sherri Sarrouf and the amazing trainers at SLS Fitness in Lowell for getting me there. And also for making me unable to walk or put on my own clothes the day after a good strength class but reminding me of how important this is for runners and well, for everybody) and I will get there. Ya can't just run. Ya just can't. And they have it all...and it's a family. A family that is fighting JUST as hard to beat cancer along with St. Jude Research Hospital. They train hard and fight hard every day for such an amazing cause. Their big event is March 21st 2015 at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Oh and you certainly will remember what you went there for!! Just sayin.
I think the hardest thing for me is the head game.
I am constantly playing it. I have always been an athlete. But I was a sprinter. Sprinters don't have time for head games. They just don't. They don't even have time to think. It's over before it's started. Too fast.
So this just makes me smile because I saw it this week. And no one better break it b/c it's 23 years old. If they break it, I will be sad and I will have to bring it to school and do a math lesson on it just like I did when my Simmons College record was broken. I will not have it. So back off. That is said with love. SO much love. And so much love to all these strong ladies, so many of whom I am still friends with and they are STILL strong, amazing, beautiful women!
But the head game is real. It's something I work on daily. I am always searching for inspiration and motivation and I am surrounded by the BEST people in my life. I am truly so lucky and blessed because I have so many people who have my back and push me to be the best I can be. That's just an awesome feeling. These are a few of the pictures I have received in the past couple of weeks. They totally made me smile... And I look at them often!
I LOVE all the LOVE and I thank you so much for it. Running for Dana Farber is going to be an amazing road to travel on. I am super excited to start training with the team, start meeting people and hearing their stories of why they are doing what they do. Cancer SUCKS. That's the bottom line. It SUCKS SO BAD. And people (our family, our friends, our loved ones are being diganosed every single day) And we need a CURE. End of story. And everyone does what they can and for that I thank you! From the bottom of my heart! Cancer patients everywhere thank you! My family thanks you! I will never forget this outpouring of support and I vow to make each and every one of you proud.
And on that note...
Yes. What she said...
Because this is how I feel about it.
But we can't end on swear words. So guess what? Incase you haven't heard... It's the best day ever!
It's "Hug A Runner" Day.
Yes, it's totally a real day.
Don't even question that.
So do it! Get out and HUG A RUNNER.
I love these women. I have such strong, beautiful women in my life!
Lucky & Blessed
Blessed & Lucky