Own every second...

This is a favorite line in one of my favorite songs. 

This is something I hope for him. 

I hope the same for her. 

I hope the same for myself.

Because some days this is hard to do... 

I've learned that along the way. 

39 years of learning.

This journey has been incredible. I am honored to be on it. Honored to run Boston and more importantly for Dana Farber. I am so thankful for the people who have been on this journey with me. You have no idea how much you mean to me. 

You all know by now why I run, who I run for and what this means to me. Why I put myself through the training. Why I sometimes "look exhausted" which is what I hear now and again. Why I walk funny after long runs for a few days only to get back in the game the next day. Why I have some aches and pains here and there. Why I spend so many hours away from my beauties when they are fast asleep and on the weekends when they aren't. 

I've missed some stuff. But I am okay with all of that because I've raised $11, 000 for cancer. 

My family and friends have raised $11,000 for cancer and that to me is huge. You've stood by me, stood behind me, stood beside me this entire journey for that I can't thank you enough.

You've followed me. You've shared my stories. You've inspired me. Every single step. And for that I can never thank you enough.

And that's what this is about. CANCER. My friends. My family. My support system. 
Fighting Cancer.

When I sometimes think I don't get people...

Or I sometimes don't understand where their head is at. I think about what this is really about for me. Fighting Cancer. That's all. I forget about the rest.

There will always be challenging people in our lives. Negative people in our world. We will always struggle with that. Everyone does. I've had so many conversations about this with friends and family. Some are funny. Some are not so funny. Funny overrules any day though. I swear it's true. The good outweighs the bad or irrelevant any day.

Bottom Line:

Sometimes we set our expectations too high as as adults. And sometimes it's disappointing. 
I jokingly said today, I think some days you just have to shoot lower. Just lower those expectations of people. Kidding. That's not who I am. 
But it's all good! I promise you that.

When I get tired I think of how even though there are crappy days, long days, exhausting days, it's all about who loves you, who supports you and what you're fighting for. 

I'm human. I'm not on this road alone. I am a mom. A wife. A daughter. A sister. A friend. A cousin. A niece. A granddaughter.A teacher. A photographer. A runner... And I try my best at balancing. Not an easy task but I give it my all. Even if it's hard.

My days are long. I don't always get enough sleep. I often have too much on my plate. Some days I don't drink enough water. Some days I wish I drank mostly beers. And sometimes I want to check into a hotel for a week and sleep and order room service and hope that they have a hot tub. But I don't. I just keep doing what I'm doing because that's what we do. We can do hard things.

And even though it's hard. And even though it's cold. It's tiring. It's too early. It's too late. It's Monday. It's Friday. It's whatever. It is what it is. And I am lucky to have it. So lucky. So blessed to be doing what I am doing in honor of one very special lady to me and some amazing ladies right alongside of her. And some pretty incredible children whose lives were taken too soon. All because of cancer. And a whole entire teeshirt worth of people that will carry me 26.2 miles. It's my honor. Thank you Dana Farber.

Life is hard for everyone. But I try focus on all the good that has come out of this. All the amazing people I have met. All the inspirational stories I have heard and all of this money fighting for a cure. There is so much more good in all of this than bad. So I don't tell you about the bad days.



And because I know so many people who are truly fighting hard for this one life. But I also know that my own 2 are watching very closely. I want them to grow up knowing how loved they are, of course. How important they are, absolutely. How much they mean to so many people, you bet. I want them to make good choices. To make smart decisions and set goals for themselves. 

But mostly...

I want them to work hard at this one precious life. To keep people in their thoughts, always. To give their time. To spread awareness. To give back. And to be kind. I want them to know that we don't need things. We need people. And when they grow up to be adults, I want them to never forget what they've learned. Because they are going to need it. Every. Single. Day.
To be kind. Be supportive. Be the best you. 

Even if it's hard.

Running leaves me so much time to think. And if I was to write them a letter, it would go something like this...
But really, it could be meant for them, you. everyone. 
Have a listen. Own it all.

4 more weeks until the big day. One more long run

of 22 miles on Saturday. Lots of little runs in 

the weeks between... 

Stay tuned. I can't believe it's almost here!!

$11,000 dollars raised for Dana Farber. 

Shirl, I know you're shining down on me. Watching this entire journey.Thank you for being you for as long as we had you.

Love T.