Run your heart out...
Post Valenniversary weekend. Meh. So much fun!!
But I did not run my heart out per say...until today. Normally I would have been running my heart out Saturday with DFMC but I traded it for some much needed B, C & E time. But I missed my team!! And this face! I love this face. And his mom's face.
So. 16 miles attempted on the tready today...
After having way too much of a good time for myself on Friday (Capital Grill) & Saturday breakfast fun at home with this crew...
Saturday- Sunday Road Trip to Seabrook/Rye and one really long, semi stressful drive home in white out blizzard conditions I was done. So much fun with my B. But so done. And when you're done before your start it's never any good. It can't be.
So while I did one million miles of things. It wasn't a consistent 16 mile run on the tready which I set out to do. And I set out to do things. And I write them all over the house. I write them on the white board. I write them in journals. I write them on post its and on the calendar. So they haunt me.
SO I at least had to go over my mileage in some way shape or form because I couldn't take one more second on the treadmill. Could not. I couldn't even stand looking at it any longer. In fact, at mile 12 I thought I smelled pizza. In the gym. And then I thought I was delirious until I looked over at the desk and saw pizza. And I cried a little inside. And I stopped. Certainly not for pizza but because I was done with the treadmill. I was done with watching Alaska The Last Frontier. I don't need to watch that show, we live in Alaska, The Last Frontier. So I got off. No worries though. I got on the ARC trainer for another 4 miles (Total 16) then I got on the bike for 5 miles because I am an overkiller and I need to somehow replace not running 16. Total mileage of all the things 21. So I'm good.
I just really want a sidewalk. It's not a lot to ask. So you can totally feel bad for me. I didn't even ask for pizza.
But I did not run my heart out per say...until today. Normally I would have been running my heart out Saturday with DFMC but I traded it for some much needed B, C & E time. But I missed my team!! And this face! I love this face. And his mom's face.
So. 16 miles attempted on the tready today...
After having way too much of a good time for myself on Friday (Capital Grill) & Saturday breakfast fun at home with this crew...
Look at the wine...
Much Love from C.
Breakfast club
So while I did one million miles of things. It wasn't a consistent 16 mile run on the tready which I set out to do. And I set out to do things. And I write them all over the house. I write them on the white board. I write them in journals. I write them on post its and on the calendar. So they haunt me.
SO I at least had to go over my mileage in some way shape or form because I couldn't take one more second on the treadmill. Could not. I couldn't even stand looking at it any longer. In fact, at mile 12 I thought I smelled pizza. In the gym. And then I thought I was delirious until I looked over at the desk and saw pizza. And I cried a little inside. And I stopped. Certainly not for pizza but because I was done with the treadmill. I was done with watching Alaska The Last Frontier. I don't need to watch that show, we live in Alaska, The Last Frontier. So I got off. No worries though. I got on the ARC trainer for another 4 miles (Total 16) then I got on the bike for 5 miles because I am an overkiller and I need to somehow replace not running 16. Total mileage of all the things 21. So I'm good.
I just really want a sidewalk. It's not a lot to ask. So you can totally feel bad for me. I didn't even ask for pizza.
As I am typing this I had this lovely side convo with EKB
E: Mama what are you doing?
Me: Writing about running.
Me: Writing about running.
E: What about it?
Me: That it's hard.
E: No it isn't, you just gotta do it. Just run.
Okay then! There you have it. Just run. Next time I will just try that.
But it's vacation week and I'll get to cross train lots and lots. I am in love with my Bowflex Max (Happy Valenniversary to us) and getting in the pool is always so amazing. I am so thankful to be able to do that. It is soooooo good on my almost 40 year old body. So good. And it's school vacation week. So I won't see this beautiful view from my "office" for a week. But THAT'S okay too. We've got lots of plans. And I plan to catch up on sleep. And correcting 500 things. And editing. And sending out orders. And. And. And.
So moral of THIS story is...
Running is hard.
Doing all the things is hard.
Life is hard.
Snow is hard.
Wind is hard.
Shoveling is hard.
Not accomplishing what you set out to do is hard.
Disappointment is hard.
Not getting pizza when you smell it is hard.
There are always harder things. Fighting for your life is so damn hard. It's harder than hard. Getting a cancer scare is hard. In fact, it sucks. Getting diagnosed is hard. It's heartbreakingly hard. And losing our loved ones is hard. It's incredibly, unbearably, painfully hard. And I hate that it happens. So for all of these reasons I run my HEART out.
And an inside joke between my friends and family is that I don't have much of a heart to run out.
(catheter ablation 2006 #brokenhearted) I had this conversation with my cardiologist when I decided to get back into running and possibly setting my goals at more than a 10K. 1/2 marathon was not in my view, yet. This was 3 years ago.
Me (5 years post catheter ablation) Soooo when do people start running after a catheter ablation? (Totally serious)
Most lovely cardiologist alive: Uhmmm usually a month? Maybe a few weeks post procedure.
Me: Crickets
Him: Soooo I think you're good.
You're perfectly healthy. You are heart healthy and strong. It's been 5 years.
My point is. I run my heart out and maybe not every single run but most of them because my heart is in it.
For the whole 26.2
I'll be doing just that at the Hyannis 1/2 marathon this week.
Weather pending because supposably (as EKB says even though I correct her) supposably the Cape has also not been spared of snow, snow and more...SNOW.
Stay tuned.
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So much love!