Thanks Bobo

I always think about how I love the people in my life so much. I'm surrounded by so many good ones. I can never thank them enough for their love and friendship and energy. I feel so lucky to be a part of their lives and I always hope they know how lucky I am to have them in mine. This guy especially because he's the best.

I wouldn't be able to do what I am doing if it weren't for Bri.  I actually might have a hard time functioning in every day life, if it weren't for Bri. There are lots of behind the scenes factors that are in our life that he doesn't get a lot of credit for and well incase I don't say it enough, I am super thankful for the day I was running on a treadmill at Baystate Fitness and saw him walk through the door. My first impression/thought (no joke, no exaggeration) was "So cute. And he looks so nice." How does someone look nice? I honestly can't even answer that question. But I just had a feeling that he was a super nice guy. And there was never anything more than a smile until months later when I first said hello, IN A BAR. So, while I like to say I met my husband at the gym. I met him in a bar. Whatever. It's fine. It's totally fine! Cheers!

But he is both of those things and so many other things. Patience beyond anything I have ever seen. It's incredible to witness. Because I have only a little bit of patience and it all goes to our kids and 23, seven year olds on a daily basis so I'm out by the end of the day. Colin was star student this week and his certificate said "He has patience for days." I would LOVE to say he gets it from me. I don't really have a lot to spare so...It's something I am working on stretching out. I need a good patience stretch...

Laughter is always available in our house. It's almost always at my expense and that's fine, I'm used to it. Because it's funny. And whatever form laughter comes in is (usually) okay by me because I love to laugh. 

Christmas Angel Bobo
(I did not make this. I am not crafty either.)

Training for a marathon is a lot. It's a lot of hours of preparation, a lot of miles logged, a lot of  stretching and falling asleep way too early. Sometimes it's a little complaining. It's a lot of reading, a lot of research, a lot of obsessing (mildly) over the big day or other runners Instagram pics. Bri is not a runner and to quote him today "I logged ZERO miles, in ZERO days" when I was talking about my mileage for the week. 
He's an athlete...(footballhockeyprettymuchanysportexceptswimming) 
Just not a runner, even though he could throw on some sneaks on Marathon Monday and run right along side me for 26.2 without a complaint. Just being there.

But he's just this quiet, calm, supportive beyond words kind of person and is awesome to have by my side. From making fabulous meals to rock taping my heel. (I am such a poet). 
Listening to all my stories (anyone who knows me, knows theres a lot). Spending countless hours playing with the kids, never distracted, and answering a total of 500 questions between all 3 of us (I group myself with them -- 6, 9 and 39).

And we're just beyond thankful. Just like I am thankful to be on this journey to Boston. It takes a village and I have one awesome village. And honestly, that's all you need in this world. To be surrounded by good people. That's it. So thank you to Bobo. Thank you to my awesome village. Just thank you. My cup runneth over, every single day.

And because it's all about the laughter. And if your village doesn't make you laugh, then you need a new village.
You can come join ours.