Decision making is not my thing...

We've got some snow heading our way and our team for for Dana Farber was canceled tomorrow. I actually hate this because I need a plan, always. When I heard it was canceled, it hit me that the possibilities were endless. What do I do nowwwww?
Run & Swim?

ARC Trainer?
Run, Swim, ARC trainer?
Run alone?
Ask a friend?
Run outside?
Run inside?

Run early?
Run later?

Come on already. But this is me. And I am still undecided.
All for a few inches of snow. I get it though. Safety First. 
That's what my lifeguard shirt at college said. It actually said "Saftey First" (wish I had a picture of that)
Anyway Stay tuned...

In other news, TGIF because it's been a LONG (short) week. Aren't those always the longest? Tuesday felt like it should be Friday and Wednesday felt like it should be June 11th. January is like this. The winter is long. This is what this week felt like...

But it's over and done with and after working and running and mothering and basketball, one amazing family dinner at the Common Man,  3 visits to the Chiropractor and some swimming, low impact ARC training, 24-7 stretching my heel is feeling better! The good news is I do not have Plantar Fasciitis!! I do have the beginnings of heel spurs but if I can stay on top of stretching and therapy, it won't get any worse. And feeling better is SUCH a good feeling. I was worried there for a moment. Just a moment though. And I hear it's because I am "getting older" Apparently 39 is no spring chicken. So I was excited to get right back into team running after being on my own last week, but the snow is coming and we can't stop it so plan B needs to get into full effect. Soon. REAL SOON.

Thank you Common Man for being such an awesome restaurant. 
Feels like home.

I ate everyone's chocolate.

I opened up this email tonight... I love my BAA emails. 
Every time I get one it's a reminder that THIS is happening. 


But when THIS is happening, and people know about it, they ask the funniest questions/comments. Just a few...

~You're really running the Boston Marathon? Like the BOSTON MARATHON? The whole thing?
~My friends sisters husbands daughters niece ran it and cried the whole way and practically crawled across the finish line. It was awful. CRAWLED, I tell you. CRAWLED. She might have even thrown up.
~Do you run?
~Have you done a 1/2? Oh okay then. You'll be fine.
~You have really long legs those will help you. You are mostly legs. Legs are funny like that. Like your body is really short on the top. Well it's not like even. 
~You like to run? Really? Huh.
~When do you run? Where do you run? Can I run with you? Are you fast? Are you slow?
It's something different every day. And usually my face is like this.

I also came home to this amazing present. I have some pretty awesome people supporting me in my life, jus sayin. Fresh Foam NB 980's. They are like pillows on your feet. Putting your feet into pillows is amazing. And my people are amazing. I can't thank you enough for supporting me on this journey. It's just an awesome feeling. Thank you for the support, for spreading the word, for understanding all that goes into something like this and for just being the best people that a girl could possibly be surrounded by. 

I honestly cannot believe it's 12 weeks. 87 days. That in itself stopped me in my tracks today. But someone mentioned that that's also about the same time we will be in flip flops and shorts and there will be no mention of the S word. Well the SN word, only the SU word.
I pray.

Much love,

This will be me tomorrow. 
I think.
But in my head I'll be here.