Thank you for existing.
So thankful.
With this long weekend behind us I was just thinking about how important it is to not just be thankful during a certain time of year but to be thankful all year long. All day long. Every single day. There is so much to be thankful for. And I am thankful for you. I'm thankful that you are reading this right now. I'm thankful that you share my mission and you support it. Cancer needs a cure. We all know that. Too many beautiful people have battled this disease and too many lives have been lost. It's time for a cure. Thank you for pushing me to be the best that I can be. Thank you for thinking that I can do this. Thank you for reminding me of the same. I would like to thank you for all of your support by holding a little thankful contest... It will be fun. I swear.
So you have to do 3 things to be entered into the contest.
1. Over on the right hand side of this blog you can follow my journey.
2. You can share this link on your Facebook Page.
3. You can visit my fundraising page at ...
If you've done all that... You're awesome.
Send me a message that you've done all 3 and I willtotally check to see if you did. Just kidding, but I will enter your name into my Thankful Contest.
I'm so thankful for you that I am going to offer aSpring 2015 make that Summer 2015 so I can be sure I am walking normally again. A summer 2015 Tara Bedard Photography shoot with all the fixins'
But really, I can't ever thank you enough. You are all amazing. I thank you for following me on this journey. It's been amazing so far. It will only get more challenging, but I am on it. I love a good challenge. Stay tuned... but for now, THANK YOU.
With this long weekend behind us I was just thinking about how important it is to not just be thankful during a certain time of year but to be thankful all year long. All day long. Every single day. There is so much to be thankful for. And I am thankful for you. I'm thankful that you are reading this right now. I'm thankful that you share my mission and you support it. Cancer needs a cure. We all know that. Too many beautiful people have battled this disease and too many lives have been lost. It's time for a cure. Thank you for pushing me to be the best that I can be. Thank you for thinking that I can do this. Thank you for reminding me of the same. I would like to thank you for all of your support by holding a little thankful contest... It will be fun. I swear.
So you have to do 3 things to be entered into the contest.
1. Over on the right hand side of this blog you can follow my journey.
2. You can share this link on your Facebook Page.
3. You can visit my fundraising page at ...
If you've done all that... You're awesome.
Send me a message that you've done all 3 and I will
I'm so thankful for you that I am going to offer a
But really, I can't ever thank you enough. You are all amazing. I thank you for following me on this journey. It's been amazing so far. It will only get more challenging, but I am on it. I love a good challenge. Stay tuned... but for now, THANK YOU.