Inspiring Minds Wanna Know...

This journey is already incredible. I have met so many people, learned so much and have been inspired more times than I can even count. But I keep track. It's all in my head and it's all in my heart so no need for numbers. Numbers scare me. Especially 26.2 But I saw this bumper sticker this weekend and it made me laugh.
I loved it. I laughed so hard. My husband said that it was right up his alley. It is... It's okay. Opposites attract and he's like the best person I know so he can say those things.

1/2 Way there.

But that's not inspiring. It's just funny. And laughing is my most favorite thing. So just laugh at it already. I also read somewhere that oversized sunglasses and short shorts are not for women over 30. #whatevertothat That's what I run in all summer. I am not alone. It's 100 degrees. I wonder what they think of compression socks.

Really though, I love to be inspired and I honestly just go about my day every day trying to be the best me that I can be WHICH is not always easy because some days are hard and some days I suck at life but I always try. You gotta try. And then you can be going along just trying, minding your business and then bam!!!!
You get one of these...

And it stops you in your tracks. Because, for so many reasons but mainly because you're like, "Wait, Me? Yikes. That's scary." Or at least that's what I say in my head. But we can do hard things.
All of us. Any of us! Every one of us! SIL made me a bracelet that says that and my eyes were glued to it for most of my 1/2 Marathon. We can. And we did. It was amazing. And it wasn't because of the bracelets but they were a reminder that we can do anything we set our mind to. Anything! Clearly. Look what I am doing.

I had a conversation with one of my favorite people this weekend. Someone who has given me tons of advice already. 
And I quote her... 
"If you are stubborn enough, you can do anything." ~HM

I am not stubborn enough yet, but I am getting there. I won't let anything get in the way of this. Of what I am setting out to do here. There will be set backs, this I know. Life happens, life is crazy, life is hard, life is a lot. But I will do it.

Here's some more inspiration. This stopped me in my tracks today. Because it is just so true. And I am reminded of this daily because I live with people like this. Every. Single. Day. It's lovely. But I am jealous of them. I'm working on that.

So this is what's important. To me.

So what inspires you? I want to know... 
Music, People, Quotes, Images, Everyday life? For me it's all of the above. Every day I am inspired by one of my amazing people or even strangers. Music is huge for me and if I love a song it's on repeat for weeks.
This week I'm thanking Carrie Underwood.
There's Something in the Water...

Thanks for following me on this journey. It means so much. For as many miles that I have to put into this and as many sacrifices that I have to make I know it will all be worth it when I cross that finish line. And if someone wants to interview me and they say, "Oh Tara Bedard what are you going to do now that the marathon is over?" 
I will be like "I'm going to Vegas!" 
Oh yeah...that is happening. #40yearsyoung #happybirthdaytome
I am 99.9 % certain no one will interview me. 
But hey, you never know.

Soooo in honor of inspiring minds.
Share the page. Share the story. Share the wealth (haha just kidding, not really kidding, I got a fundraising goal to reach and cancer needs a cure). 
Much Love,
In other news I got some new gear. 
And I'm in love with all of it. 
That is all.