
Hope is what we're feeling tonight. By we I mean myself and 18 other little people all across the city. My little people. The ones that greet me every morning with smiles, hugs and stories. One story we share is a story of Hope. Through a friend of a friend we've met a young man who is waiting for a lung transplant. They wanted to write him letters. They wanted to send him a care package. So that's exactly what we did. We wrote him letters and drew him pictures. We sent them with Hope and strength for a new beginning. For a second chance at life.

We received a letter back today, from our friends mom. She was so compassionate in her letter. So heartfelt. So thankful over 18 little letters. The kids wrote things like, "You are so loved and you are so strong, you can do this. I know you can!" & "Always look for the things that make you smile, even if it's something little like a rainbow or the sun shining." They wrote things like "You have so many people cheering for you." 

It took us such a small amount of time, but it made such a big difference. We sent a package with an "Imagine Life Without Cancer" T shirt and a "Don't Stop Believing" bracelet. And we got back so much love today. Love in the form of beautifully hand written letter complete with pictures of our friend. One picture was signed, "Stay focused!" A thankful package that came in the form of "real mail." What's more exciting than that? I love that it made my 18 little friends smile with new Hope and a love that brought tears to my eyes.

"He admired the great blue T Shirt and immediately put the blue wristband on his arm. He has not taken it off since, not once. Then he began to read your letters..."

I am going to miss them so much.They do such great things. They've taught me so much.