
Showing posts from July, 2011

The Matte's

The Footbridge, Wells Beach Maine We had another beautiful weekend in Wells. Such good times with good friends. I was so happy to capture our beautiful friends, The Matte's. We've been friends for a long time and now our kids are growing up together. This was such a fun shoot. Love you guys xxoo I just love Paige's face in this one. Stay tuned for more...

Micky Ward Golf Classic

I am still so honored to have had such an amazing opportunity yesterday. I may have to turn this post into a page as I am drowning in golf photos but it's all good. I was asked to be the photographer at the Micky Ward Charity Golf Classic and it was such an amazing day. What's better than driving around beautiful Meadowcreek Golf Course in a golf cart with one of the best people ever taking pictures all day. It was so great meeting so many awesome people who showed up for such a great charity. I was particularly "star struck" with Shawn Thornton of the Boston Bruins. What does one say to someone who just won the Stanley Cup? "Congratulations! Don't mind me, I'll be following you around all day with my cameras (and loving every minute)" Okay so the last part I left out... Here are a few to start...this will take awhile. And of course...these next 3 were not taken by me, but I am still proud of them and had to share. Such a fun day.